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How Did He Become Mayor?

How Did He Become Mayor?

Recently, a complaint was lodged against a TDP corporator Ummadi Venkateswar Rao by a lady for misbehaving with her on a flight. 

And Vijayawada Mayor Koneru Sridhar has used shocking and digusting logic to defend the Corporator even before the investigation is over. Not only has revealed the name of the complainant, his allegations are unbecoming of a people's representative.

What's more, he made these statements to the media at the office of M P Kesineni Nani, which means that Nani endorses them. First of all, the Mayor revealed the woman's name and said she was a resident of the US. 

"She organises comedy shows in the US and works for the protection of the environment," said the Mayor.Does the dimwit know that he is actually eulogising her? And finally, here comes the real shocker: 

The Mayor says the complaint is invalid because the lady is a member of LGBT community. This final comment is so outrageous that it merits no comment or criticism. 

Suffice to say that with people like Koneru, Kesineni, Ummadi and Nara at the helm and such anachronisitic mindsets, why will 'call-money scams' not occur? How can there be any respect and safety for women, with such retrograde personalities in power?