One very significant aspect of the recently concluded Karnataka polls was the sight of Rahul Gandhi visiting numerous temples during the campaign and seeking blessings rom the pontiffs.
He also stated that he was a devotee of Lord Shiva and after the helicopter he was travelling in developed a technical snag, he thought it was the end.
Luckily, the mishap was averted and Rahul said he decided to visit Kailash after that.
Earlier, it would have been unthinkable for a Congressman to be flaunting his religious affiliation lest the party lose the minority votes, principally, that of the Muslims.
But the rise of the BJP to power on the plank of Hindutva has completely changed the scenario. No longer is the nation indifferent to the question of religion.
In fact, a recent survey has revealed that an educated, employed youth in a city like Bangalore is more vocal, passionate and jingoistic about Hindutva than his rural counterpart. This is an indication of how successful the BJP has been in changing the mindsets of Indians.
And since Hindutva is an ideology that will appeal to the people as long as the Muslim bogey is dangled in front of them, suffice to say that Hindutva is here to stay.
But the BJP would do well to remember this saying of Swami Vivekananda: Nobody can be patriotic on an empty stomach.
While Lord Rama may get the BJP, votes, it is the BJP that is eventually responsible for improving the lives of the common man and providing him with basic amenities: roti, kapda aur makaan, instead of making the nation stand in queues outside ATMs.