We are all familiar with how anti social sleeper cells operate. They reside covertly in various regions, lying dormant until the moment they decide to unleash terror.
Likewise, within the political landscape, numerous individuals affiliated with the TDP have infiltrated different political parties and hold key positions within the government as well. These sleeper agents now spring into action, outwardly representing their respective parties and roles, but voicing their support for Chandrababu Naidu, expressing their concern over his arrest.
Sujana Chwdhary, who is currently a member of the BJP, recently gave an interview to Vemuri Radhakrishna of ABN, during which he openly expressed his solidarity with CBN. It's worth noting that Radhakrishna is a staunch advocate for Chandrababu Naidu as well.
Reflecting on past events, it was the same ABN channel that reported on Sujana Chowdhary's alleged evasion of a Rs 7000 crore bank loan, a situation that stemmed from differences between Sujana and Lokesh.
Despite this contentious history, Sujana Chowdhary chose to give an interview to Radhakrishna, setting aside past disputes in the spirit of supporting Chandrababu Naidu.
Similarly, numerous other TDP sleeper cells, positioned strategically within governmental institutions, are actively mobilizing their efforts to secure CBN's release from custody through a bail arrangement.
Suddenly, a group of CEOs from various companies emerged seemingly out of nowhere to express their unwavering solidarity with Chandrababu Naidu.
Along with them is the former CBI director, Nageshwara Rao, who actively engages on Twitter. He prominently displays images of Narendra Modi and Amit Shah in the background while vocally supporting Chandrababu Naidu.
CM Ramesh, a member of the BJP, also mourns the situation of Chandrababu Naidu and hopes to see him garner the support of the BJP. He openly admitted to leaking a photograph of CBN with JP Nadda, taken at Rashtrapati Bhavan, with the intention of creating an impression in the public's mind that a TDP-BJP alliance might be in the works.
Then there's TG Venkatesh, a BJP member, who voices his concern for CBN. CPI Narayana, though outwardly affiliated with the "red" ideology, carries "yellow" sympathies inside.
Nadella Manohar, associated with Janasena, actively advocates for Chandrababu Naidu while maintaining the appearance of being aligned with Janasena. The story of Raghu Rama Krishnam Raju from YCP is well-known; he is not a covert supporter but rather an open advocate.
Furthermore, among these individuals, there are two senior citizens from Chandrababu Naidu's community who once held esteemed positions in India. They are now dedicated to working towards the resurgence of CBN and aspire to see him return to power.
In essence, those who benefited from Chandrababu Naidu's leadership during his tenure in power have found refuge in various places and political parties, only to resurface during elections, demonstrating their disloyalty to their current affiliations in their unwavering support for CBN.