Finally, it is very clear –Narendra Modi-led NDA government is not going to give anything extra to Andhra Pradesh in the budget and that it cares a damn for the sentiments of Andhra Pradesh.
In his reply to the debate on the Central budget in Lok Sabha, Finance Minister Arun Jaitely sang the same old tune with regard to financial assistance to Andhra Pradesh.
He reiterated that the Centre was fulfilling all the promises made in the AP Reorganisation Act one after the other and it would continue to do it.
“We could not give special category status due to technical reasons but granted special financial package. We released most part of the package.
Only two issues are remaining: first, extending assistance through Nabard, instead of Externally Aided Projects which is being worked out by our department in consultation with the state finance officials; and secondly, compensating for the revenue loss for 2014-15, on which there are some differences between the Centre and the state which are being sorted out,” he said, adding that all other promises are in the course of implementation.
With regard to railway zone and petroleum corridors, Jaitely said his cabinet colleagues are working on them and would take a decision.
So, it is clear that Jaitely did not want to give any commitment or deadline in implementing the promises made in the Act and that there won’t be any supplementary allocations in the budget.
Now, one has to see how the TDP would respond!