A report released by the ‘Times of India ’revealed that Telangana ranked second in the country in terms of farmer suicides for the year 2015.
All sections of Telangana supported the agitation primarily because they were led to believe that they would have a better life under a Telangana dispensation. And farmers and the downtrodden had wholeheartedly participated in the agitation.
8,007 farmers had committed suicide in India in 2015 against 5,650 suicides in 2014. Of this, Telangana accounted for 1,358 cases which is 24 percent of the suicides in India.
KCR cannot blame Andhra rulers for the plight of the farmers in Telangana when he is at the helm of affairs. It’s about time that he realized that from now on, he would be judged only on the basis of his administration and not the venom he spews at Andhras.
And Professor Kodandaram also stands justified in his criticism of the TRS government going by these figures. Calling him an agent of the ‘Congress’ would no longer cut any ice.