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Every City Should Learn From Bangalore

There was a time when the competition between the cities of Hyderabad and Bangalore was quite intense in terms of growth and development. Of course, thanks to the Telangana issue Hyderabad has fallen behind by many years now and Bangalore has zoomed ahead.

But here is something every city should learn from Bangalore. In Hyderabad the entire hub for IT and other technology related services is focused in Madhapur.

But in Bangalore, the IT hubs came across all four corners of the city. Due to this, an equilibrium got created and growth was seen proportionately.

In Hyderabad except Madhapur other suburbs fell down in real estate market values. This is something to be kept in mind.

Tomorrow if a new capital is formed and if a city is being developed the infrastructure must be developed across all four sides taking Bangalore as the example.

Of course, Bangalore needs to work a lot on restructuring its traffic but still it is a role model.