The resounding victory of the BJP in Uttar Pradesh has critics of Narendra Modi saying that demonetisation has served its purpose.
In fact, there are people who say that the demonetisation decision was taken only for this purpose. Money-power plays a major role in winning elections and more so in agrarian states like Uttar Pradesh.
Also, the importance of coming to power in Uttar Pradesh for any political party need not be over-emphasized. Against this backdrop, the note-ban certainly did aid the BJP. How?
Did the rural folk of BJP understand and endorse the note-ban? Definitely not! With the decision taken overnight, the Samajwadi Party and other parties were left with hordes of black money which became worthless pieces of paper.
On the other hand, the BJP being the ruling party at the Centre had access to white money which was allegedly siphoned off from developmental and welfare schemes for election expenses.
Naturally, they stood a far better chance of doing well in the polls. Has demonetisation then, not served its purpose?