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Common Man's Real Opinion On Jagan

Common Man's Real Opinion On Jagan

An important development in Andhra Pradesh politics is the recent release of Y S Jagan and the fact that this news came in international level media publications goes to show his craze. Keeping aside the point whether he has done financial fraud or not, the truth is, Jagan has a lot of public following.

This is not just in the Andhra region but also in Telangana region. The general pulse from the common man is that “It doesn’t matter with whom Jagan has a tieup. We need him as our CM. Even Chandrababu ate crores of rupees. But we have belief in Jagan and he can provide everything for Andhra Pradesh.”

They also add ”We are definitely going to give him one chance and anyone who doesn’t prove themselves will be brought down. People need Jagan right now as he can bring back his father’s regime. We need his leadership. People are not keen on who eats money. They want good governance and Jagan can do that for us.”