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Chiranjeevi As Gopi No:1

Chiranjeevi As Gopi No:1

The image and charisma of Chiranjeevi took nearly two decades to grow and all it took was just two years to wipe it out completely. 

This happened after he joined politics. While some of them are still expecting Chiru to mend his ways and regain his lost glory it looks like he is not really changing much.

So, they are calling him Gopi number 1 ie Goda Meedha Pilli. Apparently, CM Kiran Kumar is openly revealing his stand on the ongoing Telangana issue. Similarly other leaders are coming up with some statement or the other revealing their thoughts. But Chiru is like cat on the wall without any noise.

He has gone silent and is not revealing his true thoughts. At the same time, it is heard that he is hiding and escaping from the media at all possible instances and being very careful not to be in their loop. 

Well, all this hide and seek game is not going to last for long and Chiru has to face the people because he is an answerable politician today.