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Celebrations in Houston on YS Jagan's Release

Houston: As a warm welcome to YS Jagan, supporters in Houston performed Sri Hanuman Puja on Tuesday evening to pray Lord Hanuman to bless our beloved leader Jagan to maintain his courage and commitment in fighting for the Telugu pride.  

As the day of Jagan’s release from unfair detention is on Tuesday, which is auspicious day for Lord Hanuman; Houston NRI YSR Congress party supporters performed Sri Hanuman Puja starting with priest giving the message on the significance of performing Hanuman Chalisa and Hanuman Dandakam, followed by chanting and puja.

Jagan showed his unprecedented courage in standing against the principles inherited from YSR and as a result facing the consequences tolling his 16 months of unfair detention.  

As the state is passing through a crisis and our dynamic leader, YS Jagan, is going to fill that vacuum. 

The entire state is in a festive mood on hearing the good news of YS Jagan’s release; there is a strong belief that the Lord Hanuman provided YS Jagan all courage required. 

As a quick gathering call to YSRCP supporters on Tuesday; Arjun Gattamaneni, Raj Reddy Koduru, Maruthi Reddy, Surendra Ganta, Shekar Anne, Sivashankar Reddy, Girish Ramreddy, Ramana Reddy and other supporters including a NRI YSRCP supporter Gurava Reddy from Atlanta attended the Sri Hanuman Puja at Sri Ashtalakshmi temple.

All NRI YSRCP Houston supporters prayed Lord Hanuman to provide the same courage to solve the issues our Andhra Pradesh people are facing today, and shared their thoughts and agreed that “the verdict granting bail to YS Jagan is going to have a significant positive impact on the state of Andhra Pradesh. This gives a big hope to the currently suffering people of the state. This is a great moment to be remembered in the history of our state. There is no party in the state caring about common man’s life except YSRCP. The Andhra Pradesh people are eagerly waiting to see YS Jagan to become the chief minister and bring back the past glory of YSR to our beloved state.”