The Telangana police have intensified their investigation into the alleged mobile phone tapping of several politicians, officials, journalists, and even judges during the Bharat Rashtra Samithi government led by K. Chandrasekhar Rao, which governed the state until December 2023.
A fresh revelation emerged on Saturday, indicating that the BRS government had tapped the phone of Tripura Governor Indrasena Reddy for 15 days in November 2023. This discovery surfaced during the questioning of Indrasena Reddy's personal assistant (PA) by the authorities.
Until now, the phone tapping case was believed to have primarily targeted Congress leaders. However, new findings suggest that BJP leaders were also subjected to this illegal surveillance.
The revelation that Indrasena Reddy’s phone was tapped while he was serving as Governor has raised serious concerns.
Authorities are now investigating the motives behind tapping the Governor’s phone. During questioning, it was revealed that the PA managed many of Indrasena Reddy’s affairs, making him a key witness in the investigation.
Previously, Indrasena Reddy had lodged a complaint regarding suspicious activities, and the police are continuing their investigation based on his report.
The case has also exposed that nearly 300 phones belonging to politicians, businessmen, and real estate developers were tapped.
While preliminary estimates indicate the scale of surveillance, authorities believe that a detailed investigation will uncover the full extent and motivations behind the phone tapping scandal.