In another two years, it will be election time in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. So, political parties have started wooing the media to get their support in a big way.
In Telangana, Bharatiya Janata Party is desperately trying to emerge as a powerful political alternative to the TRS and hence, it has started entertaining the media.
Four days ago, a senior BJP leader of Telangana, who enjoys a position at the national level, called a select group of journalists over phone for a breakfast get-together at a restaurant near Necklace Road. He even asked the scribes to bring their family members.
Since media get-togethers arranged by political parties are not uncommon, they all went there along with their family members though they were a bit surprised since it was not a lunch or dinner, but only breakfast.
After chit-chatting over breakfast, the BJP leader suddenly offered helicopter ride for the scribes and their family members.
They were taken to the helipad near restaurant and arranged the joy ride for the scribes and their family members in turns.
Needless to say, the joy ride was part of the PR strategy of the BJP to lure scribes for ensuring maximum coverage to its national president Amit Shah who would be visiting Telangana in the last week of May.
Well, he would have anyway get the coverage even if the party had not spent so much money on joy chopper rides!