When it comes to political developments in Telangana, there is nothing much happening. But the situation in Andhra Pradesh is completely different.
The YCP government headed by YS Jaganmohan Reddy has kickstarted the mission of tightening the screws for the TDP leaders.
ACB officials have arrested former minister, TDP leader Atchen Naidu in ESI scam recently. This is the first major arrest in the already prepared list.
The opposition leaders tried to project it as 'Jagan is targeting BCs' rather than a case of corruption.
Within no time, JC Prabhakar Reddy and his son Asmith Reddy have been arrested in relation to the JC Travels buses case.
RTA officials allege that they have produced fake documents to register BS-III vehicles.
As the second case involved 'Reddy' community leaders of the opposition party could not raise their voice highlighting the caste!
Well, the arrests saga doesn't seem to end here with these two cases. There is a talk in the political circles that the next in line is senior TDP leader Yanamla Ramakrishnudu and Devineni Uma.
If we have a look at the communities, they belong to different communities and not related to the first two arrests.
Some political analysts are commenting that some people keep on talking about social justice but they will never follow it. But Jagan never skips it, even in targeting the opponents!
As per the inside talk, Jagan Mohan Reddy's government is planning to book cases against more than a dozen prominent TDP leaders before the lockdown restrictions are completely eased.
They don't want the leaders to escape to safer countries like an outdated hero, who is better known for his 'Puranam' attempted last year. It is known that the police had to alert Dubai immigration to bring him back.
Well, Jagan's government doesn't want to take that risk of chasing them all the way to other countries.
As the international borders are not open now, these leaders can't get away from India. They can't even escape to the other states due to the fear of Covid-19 infections.
Jagan's government is reportedly trying to complete the mission soon within in this lockdown period.