One of the primary reasons for the formation of Telangana was the unity of the people and one of the reasons why Andhra politicians couldn’t prevent bifurcation was casteism.
Telangana is relatively lucky compared to Andhra Pradesh as casteism does not exist in such an acute form in the land of the Nizams. But a series of decisions being taken by KCR may soon sow the seeds of venom in this region as well.
Yesterday, KCR gave permission for a Rajaka Bhavan in Hyderabad and a host of other promises to that community.
Day before yesterday, he gave similar sops to the Padmashali community and prior to that, it was Yadav Bhavan, Goud Bhavan etc.
Encouraging caste-specific bhavans will only be detrimental to society in the long run although it might fetch votes to the politician.
Imagine for example, a tired elderly gentleman is walking on the street nand wants to take rest somewhere for a few minutes.
Right in front of him is a community bhavan but unfortunately, it does not belong to his community.
He will not go in or he may not be allowed inside! But if the same building was a Telangana bhavan open to all?
These caste politics in the name of community bhavans that KCR is indulging in will only create further prejudices in society.
This is nothing but reservations in a different form and reservations only serve to underscore the differences in society and not remove them.