Chandrababu has been arrested, and he has spent fifteen days in remand. The only ray of hope now lies with the Supreme Court, where the TDP has filed a quash petition.
If the Supreme Court delivers a favorable verdict, Babu will be released. Otherwise, they anticipate further troubles ahead.
Given that this is a corruption case, there is a possibility of him spending at least 90 days in jail. In response, the TDP is formulating a Plan B. If Chandrababu fails to find relief in the Supreme Court, Plan B will be put into action.
There are rumors that film actor and MLA Balayya, along with Babu's wife Bhuvaneshwari and daughter-in-law Brahmani, will unite to undertake tours across Andhra Pradesh.
The aim is to garner public sympathy for Babu and bolster the TDP's political standing. They are actively engaging with the people to revitalize the TDP.
Since Babu's arrest, the TDP has been in a state of confusion. Lokesh is currently in Delhi. While there have been protests at the constituency level over Babu's arrest, they have been relatively limited in scope and resemble routine demonstrations.
The statewide impact of Babu's arrest has generated mixed reactions within the TDP. There is concern that if Babu remains in jail for an extended period, the party's vigor may wane.
Consequently, Balayya and other family members have decided to connect with the people.
It is interesting to see how Chandrababu's wife Bhuvaneshwari, who has not been active in the TDP, and the entry of Brahmani into the party might influence its fortunes. Nevertheless, the void left by Chandrababu is glaringly evident in the party.
This period is undoubtedly challenging for the party, and navigating this situation during elections poses a significant hurdle for the TDP. The unfolding events will determine the outcome.