After the formation of Telangana, some Andhra newspapers have decided to take revenge on journalists who had supported the Telangana agitation, it is being alleged.
One glaring example being quoted by Telangana journalists is the recent felicitation of Telangana Press Academy chairman Allam Narayana by fellow journalists in the city.
While Andhra Jyothi did not carry the item, only Namaste Telangana carried the item on the front page. The news did not find space in Andhra Bhoomi and Andhra Prabha also.
However, Eenadu and Sakshi carried the item in the city page.
So, the Telangana journalists are feeling let down by the coverage. They feel that news regarding the Telangana Press Academy chairman needed better coverage. They complain that if the news item was about Andhra Press Academy chairman, it would have got front page coverage.
They feel that the Andhra publications are seeking revenge by resorting to such measures.