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Ammunition To The Media!

Ammunition To The Media!

There is always this subtle perception among the public that Rajdeep Sardesai, Arnab Goswami, Barkha Dutt and a host of other journalists and the media houses they represent are inimical to Modi and the BJP.

Despite their best efforts at painting Modi as communal and themselves as champions of secularism, the people of India handed Modi a decisive mandate.

His first few months in office, Modi did not do too badly either! He went on a jet-hopping spree trying to repair India’s ties with its estranged allies. The focus was entirely on governance and development and the people of India were pleased.

The media on the other hand was fuming as it lacked the ammunition to castigate Modi’s government.

Unfortunately for the BJP, it was provided to them from the least expected sources: Modi’s cabinet itself!

Remarks of the Sadhvi and Sakshi Maharaj were just what the media was looking for and once the RSS and VHP went overboard  with their publicity of the ‘religious conversions’, the media was back in full glory, taking on Modi and the ‘Sangh Parivar’ on a topic close to their heart: secularism.

Unfortunately, their tirade has taken the focus of the public away from development and good governance. Once again, Modi and Amit Shah need to come up with a counter-strategy.