One person who has been instrumental in the success of the BJP and its rise to power at the Centre is Prashant Kishore.
He orchestrated a 360 degree campaign for the BJP that reached out to all sections of society. But more importantly, it was the social media genre in which Prashant Kishore's abilities stood out.
His digital strategy made Narendra Modi Prime Minister of netizens first before the wave translated onto the phsical mediums.
After the NDA came to power, Prashant Kishore left the BJP and worked for the LaluYadav-Nitish Kumar combine against the BJP in Bihar. His strategy paid off there as well and the BJP was badly routed.
He soon accepted a commission from Congress to work for the party's success across the nation. With elections due in Punjab and Uttar Pradesh, Prashant is focussed on those states currently. But he has been taken completely off guard by the AAP in Punjab.
AAP is relentlessly marching ahead on the digital mediums with regular updates, fan pages and what not!
In response, Congress has found to be struggling to match the pace set by AAP. Prashant Kishore is worried that the AAP digital wave would translate into the real world as well and hurriedly got into action.
He organised a crash course for all Congress candidates on Facebook and other media and instructed his IPAC team to up the ante against the AAP. That's what Arvind Kejriwal does!
He gives everyone a run for their money and Prashant Kishore is finding it out the hard way.