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A Blessing For The T-Bunch

A Blessing For The T-Bunch

At a time when the entire Seemandhra region is in mourning over the passage of the T-Bill in the Lok Sabha in an undemocratic fashion, our mega star Chiranjeevi feels that it would not have much of an impact on the Congress.

Responding to a question on the fate of Congress in the Seemandhra region now, Chiranjeevi said, “I don’t think there is much of a problem for a great 125 years old Party like the Congress. Initially, there might be a setback but in the long run the Party will be as strong as ever.”

Definitely, with politicians like him who do not hesitate to betray their own people for the sake of power and money.

Cursed indeed were the Seemandhra people the day this man entered politics.

A day which turned out to be a blessing for the T-bunch!