The second wave of Covid-19 is inundating the state of Andhra Pradesh. The situation is miserable and is going out of control. The state reports a shocking 23,920 new COVID-19 cases, 11,411 recoveries, and 83 deaths in the past 24 hours.
This is surely an alarming signal. The sources also say that one out of the four tests done is proving to be positive of Covid-19. Before the state becomes another Maharashatra, Delhi or Karnataka it is high time to put a lockdown.
Though a lockdown may be a costly affair for the treasury of the state and the economy as a whole, the fundamental thing that any leader should keep in mind is that without population there is no business.
Who will contribute towards the economy with direct or indirect taxes when the population gets wiped out?
Nothing can be prioritized better than the health of the people. Hope YS Jagan wakes up and take measures to contain the virus.