A global summit is currently underway in Visakhapatnam. The Janasena party has declared that it will not participate in politics during the summit.
There has been no statement from the Telugu Desam party, but their social media accounts have been active and appear to be criticizing and belittling the summit.
The summit's accomplishments have been overlooked, and instead, yellow media outlets have focused on highlighting any issues or shortcomings.
Throughout the day, these media outlets have continued to criticize the summit on social media. However, if the Telugu Desam party or its leaders were to directly criticize the summit, it would be considered political. This may be why they are not entrusting this responsibility to their allied media.
Despite some small deficits at the summit, similar conferences have been organized twice in the past by Chandrababu, where large projects worth lakhs of crores were settled.
It should be questioned why the media organizations are now reversing their approach and seemingly denigrating the summit.
It is possible that this is a result of directives from the Telugu Desam party.