The power of media is such that it can disturb the entire psyche and opinion of a society if it drives a point constantly. However, there are those media houses who do things with vested interests and this sometimes boomerangs. That seems to be the case with justice N V Ramana controversy.
It is known that AP CM Jagan has written a letter to Supreme Court regarding Justice Ramana’s actions and this has been met with criticism from Bar counsels in Delhi, Tamil Nadu and few other places. This incident has been amplified big time by the yellow media houses. However, here is the twist in the tale.
While few Bar entities across India are creating fuss, neither the AP Bar counsel or the Telangana Bar Counsel has opened their mouths in support of NV Ramana. The reason being, they are fully aware of the situation in the state.
But due to the over enthusiasm of the yellow media, it is projecting as if Ramana is TDP’s man and this impression is forming strongly in minds of AP people. At the end of the day, Justice Ramana has become a scapegoat and his reputation is getting tarnished in a big way.