Youtube is the internationally acclaimed video streamlining platform which has been enjoying monopoly for many years.
The yellow media groups in Andhra Pradesh are attempting to fool this platform and the ploy was leaked by 'Commoner Library' today.
A group of people were conversing in a con call with an idea to click 'report' to make the 'Commoner Library' channel disappear from the youtube.
Not bearing the criticism by Kalyan Dileep Sunkara, the group related to a media baron planned this virtual attack where one of the callers in the con-call was saying, "YCP is not our problem now. Our biggest problem is with this KDS (Kalyan Dileep Sunkara). He is enough to make a mess. We need to break his flow. That is our immediate mission. We can report abuse in hundreds and the youtube will send strikes to the channel. With more than three strikes, the channel will disappear".
Well, this is the idea of some small local groups with vested interests who are trying to fool Youtube.