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Why Pawan Kept Those Two Away?

Why Pawan Kept Those Two Away?

During the 2024 elections, many stood by Janasena chief Pawan Kalyan. Now, some of them are silent and disappointed, especially two key figures in Tollywood. 

With no party work and no calls from Pawan, they feel sidelined and regretful.

Pawan draws people close if he likes them and distances them if he doesn’t — something many in the industry have experienced. No one knows when or why he changes his stance.

One such person in Tollywood once worked tirelessly for Pawan, only to be pushed away later. After sometime, he was brought back, but recent buzz suggests he’s been distanced again. 

Another senior figure in Tollywood, who worked hard during elections and helped his constituency in winning, is also reportedly ignored now.

Many in Tollywood share some connection with Pawan, but currently, only one person remains close. A once-trusted young aide has vanished from the scene. 

With many expecting positions post-election, Pawan seems to be avoiding visits to districts, fearing demands. Reports say he even instructed his staff not to give appointments to anyone.

Even in this situation, only one film personality continues to maintain a close relationship with Pawan Kalyan, keeping him firmly under control through emotional, religious, career, and personal advisory means.


Tags: Pawan Kalyan Janasena