Some sections of media are making big noise by politicising the statements given by YS Jagan. They quote him and write, "Coronavirus is curable. If we take medicines for 14 days, it will be cured. So, there is no need to panic".
What is wrong in this statement? Yes, not every corona victim is dying. So this is curable (by natural immunity).
Taking medicines for 14 days is being followed so far under symptomatic treatment around the globe. There is no need to panic.
Yes, even the doctors are saying "no need to panic and at the same time don't be complacent". Any leader has to give moral strength to the people.
This is the time of international crisis. Not every common man is aware of what is happening around the globe statistically. They listen to people around and get into panic situation.
Netizens may follow the affected and death toll of Coronavirus from hour to hour. They may read the related literature and get the knowledge. It is a known fact that 5% of the total affected are dying with coronavirus.
The world has about 940,000 affected cases so far and 47,000 are dead. The rest are either cured or still under medical observation.
Common man listens to the CM and it is any leader's responsibility to ease the tension of his people. YS Jagan did the same. There is no false claim or misleading representation in his words.
Entire world knows that there is no medication for this disease, but the doctors are saying that they can give symptomatic treatment. That means, if the patient is suffering from high temperature, he will be given paracetamol.
If he feels breathlessness he may be given some medicines related to asthma. If he is coughing, he may be even given a normal Benadryl. If he is weak he may be given glucose.
So, many are coming out of this disease after managing themselves with these symptomatic treatments. Ultimately it is only the natural immunity that should fight with this virus. All symptomatic treatments are only for temporary relief.
CM Jagan also added and made it clear that the virus is perilous for those already suffering from other diseases. This doesn't mean that the rest can jump on roads. But the national media is writing that, "...he implies for the rest the disease will be mild and go away".
All implying statements are interpretations.
The paid national media in support of local yellow media is getting into this mud throwing activity when the world is burning. Some middsets never change.