The Andhra Pradesh high court on Wednesday stayed the criminal case filed against CBI additional superintendent of police Ram Singh by the Kadapa police in connection with the alleged harassment of the accused in the murder case of former minister Y S Vivekananda Reddy.
Based on the orders from the Kadapa first class judicial magistrate court in Kadapa, the police at Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS), Kadapa registered the criminal case against CBI official Ram Singh under Section 195, 323 and 506.
The court acted on a petition filed by one Gajjala Uday Kumar Reddy from Pulivendula on February 18.
He alleged in his petition in the Kadapa court, that the CBI official was harassing him in the name of interrogation.
Reddy was one of the accused in the Viveka murder case and was questioned by the CBI in the past.
His father is learnt to have applied bandages to the dead body of Viveka to prove that he suffered injuries due to a fall in bathroom.
Even before the Kadapa police took Ram Singh into custody for questioning, he moved a lunch motion petition in the high court on Wednesday.
The CBI counsel took strong objection to the police filing a criminal case against the investigating officer.
The high court granted stay on further proceedings of the Kadapa police and directed that no action be taken against Ram Singh.
Earlier, Uday Kumar Reddy met Kadapa additional superintendent of police on February 15 and filed a complaint alleging that the CBI official was harassing him in the case.
He said the CBI authorities were not leaving him though he had disclosed whatever he was aware of in the Viveka murder case.
He alleged that the CBI authorities were harassing him him and forcing him to give a statement according to their version.
“The CBI authorities are mentally and physically torturing me,” Uday Kumar Reddy said in the complaint.