Senior Telangana Congress leader and former Rajya Sabha member V Hanumantha Rao on Wednesday fumed at senior TDP leader and former Anantapur MP J C Diwakar Reddy for making unsavoury comments on the Congress and its top bosses Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi.
Reacting to JC’s comments that the Telangana Congress should wind up its shop and all its leaders should look for alternative jobs, VH said the TDP leader had no business to make derogatory comments against the Congress leaders sitting in Congress office.
“What business does a Rayalaseema TDP leader have in Telangana Congress? He should go and play politics in Andhra Pradesh, not here,” he said.
He asked who Diwakar Reddy was to make a prediction that Jana Reddy would lose the by-elections to Nagarjunasagar assembly seat.
“He should stop making political predictions in Telangana. Otherwise, the Congress workers would revolt against him,” he said.
VH suspected that JC could be a covert of Telangana Rashtra Samithi president K Chandrasekhar Rao.
“If he has any guts, he should prove his capabilities in fighting against Jagan and the YSRC in Anantapur or other parts of Rayalaseema,” he challenged.
The veteran leader also lodged a complaint with the high command against CLP leader Bhatti Vikramarka, MLC T Jeevan Reddy and MLA Komatireddy Rajagopal Reddy for allowing JC Diwakar Reddy into the CLP and keeping silent when the latter was abusing Sonia and Rahul.