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TDP's Worst Status In This District

TDP's Worst Status In This District

It is known that the condition of TDP is miserable in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Though the yellow media and a small section of pro-TDP netizens are day dreaming about the anti incumbency in the state, the grassroot level surveys say contrary to this.

The main reason for not seeing anti incumbency is the negligence and disinterest of TDP cadre through out the state, Their faith on leadership has gone to the dogs.

Coming to the top district that is seeing the worst situation of TDP is Kurnool. Though there are some big families holding yellow flag in this region none is active.

The families of Kotla, KE, Bhooma and Gouru are representing TDP from this district but everybody is maintaining distance from the people of their constituencies.

Bhooma family is in escape mode due to several cases on them. The family's image among the people is hurt so badly. 

Kotla Surya Prakash Reddy's political career has come to an end long back. 

KE family that used to attack YCP when TDP was in power is maintaining pin drop silence now. Already one of the KE brothers announced his resignation to TDP.

No one knows why Gouru family joined TDP but they are not showing their faces to the people.

On a whole, in except 2-3 out of 12 assembly constituencies, TDP is completely vanished. Ground level surveys say that TDP can forget this constituency for ever.


Tags: TDP Andhra Pradesh