It is clear that the so called Amaravati farmers' agitation, planted by TDP and Co is totally ignored by entire nation. There Has been no coverage to this news anywhere else other than the two or three yellow media channels.
This has perturbed the TDP groups. They are now coming out with clear statements that the Amaravati movement is a flop show.
Venkata Krishna, the journalist who works in ABN channel also declared that nobody is bothering about the farmers' agitation at Amaravati in Andhra Pradesh and it makes him surprised.
But on the other hand Chandrababu is continuing his tweets in support of the movement. He appeals to the people that they should fight for it or else the future generations will be at loss.
He writes, "We got an opportunity to build an international city after the bifurcation. We have planned to build the city as a land of opportunities for the youth. But seeing that city in dilapidated state now is sorrowful. The present government is playing with the lives of future gentions with three capital scenario".
But the question is whose future will be at loss? Are they the people those bought lands in insider trading or the people of entire AP?