All these days, the YSR Congress party leaders in Andhra Pradesh, including ministers, MLAs and even assembly speaker Tammineni Sitaram and government advisor Sajjala Ramakrishna Reddy, have been attacking state election commissioner Nimmagadda Ramesh Kumar with harsh words.
They alleged that Nimmagadda has been dancing to the tunes of Telugu Desam Party president N Chandrababu Naidu and issuing negative orders against the government and imposing restrictions on ministers.
On Monday, it was the turn of the TDP chief to fume at Nimmagadda for failing to conduct the elections in an impartial manner.
He asked the SEC whether the elections to gram panchayats were held in a free and fair atmosphere.
He pointed out that the high court had directed the SEC to use its powers and ensure that panchayat elections were held in a free and fair manner.
“Why hasn’t Nimmagadda implement the high court orders? Why was he silent on the irregularities in polling and counting?” Naidu asked.
The TDP chief said he had written several letters to the SEC along with proofs on the blatant violation of the poll code and gross irregularities in the polling. But the SEC did not take any action against them, he alleged.
“When the voters at several places took to streets demanding their rights, the SEC had become defunct. Though the authorities announced that YSRC candidates got elected in the gram panchayats which were won by the TDP, the SEC did not take any action,” he alleged.