Even as rebel YSR Congress party MP from Narasapuram Kanumuru Raghurama Krishnam Raju continues to irritate the party leadership with a series of letters and daily press conferences targeting the Jagan Mohan Reddy government, the party, too, is going all out to get him disqualified and see that he is thrown behind the bars.
On Monday, YSRC general secretary and parliamentary party leader V Vijay Sai Reddy wrote letters to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Union finance minister Nirmala Sitaraman exposing the hawala money transactions between Raghurama Raju and B R Naidu, promoter of Telugu television channel TV5.
In his letter, Sai Reddy pointed out that the Andhra Pradesh police have found several evidences, which prime facie prove a case of money laundering and violation of provisions of the Foreign Exchange Management Act. 1999, during the investigation into the sedition case filed against Raju and the channel.
He said during the forensic analysis of the phones of the accused revealed a hawala transaction of one million Euro. The study was done by AP Forensic Science Laboratory, Mangalagiri.
The proof of hawala transactions referred to as 'angadia" can be found in the phone messages between Raghurama Krishnam Raju and B R Naidu, chairman of TV5 news channel, who are A1 and A2 in the case respectively, he said.
“The chat conversation tells us about a transfer of 1 million Euro to OCBC a/c no. 501189518301 from Wells Fargo a/c no. 51700263205 proving money laundering and making a case under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act. 2002 and Foreign Exchange Management Act. 1999,” Sai Reddy said.
The YSRC leader submitted annexures to the letter to Modi and Nirmala Sitaraman, which showed that there was a money transaction of a total of Rs 11 crore through hawala. “This can be traced to the conversation which has given details of a transfer of 1 million Euro, roughly amounting to Rs. 11 crores,” he said.
He requested that the Centre direct the Central Bureau of Investigation to register a case and take steps towards registering a case against the Narasapuram MP and B R Naidu and take steps to prevent him from getting added to the list of Indian fugitives who are living abroad to evade the Indian law.
He also wanted the Centre to take Raju and Naidu into custody for interrogation to further unearth the dubious transactions between them and others.