If the destiny is fixed, fate will turn the path accordingly. Adhra Jyothy's destiny seems to be putting Chandrababu in bad light and trouble TDP.
Though he writes any article on him with love, it turns to be a negative at the end. This phenomenon can be observed if one can go through several articles for Andhra Jyothy and especially Radhakrishna's Kotta Paluku. Both ABN and Andhra Jyothy have their role in the debacle of TDP in 2019 elections.
Let us go through a few highlights in this scenario from today's editorial in the same daily.
A line says, "Chandrababu got trapped in the conspiracy of Jagan and got distanced from the BJP and made two of his Ministers resign...Chandrababu is all alone now...we have seen the result".
This statement is clearly inferring that Chandrababu's 40 years of political experience has no value and it is as weak as getting trapped into the shackles of a new politician. Above that it also concludes that Chandrababu cannot play any politics with his own mettle but needs the support of BJP or some other. Thus this articulation projected Chandrababu as a weak wicket.
In another paragraph, the article says that the income of AP is very big and so the government gives away more welfare schemes to the public along with being corrupt. On the other hand it says that state has no income and so taking heavy loans. How can both the statements be true at a time?
If at least first statement is true, then Chandrababu also might have got corrupted in his tenure. He too has distributed money to the public in the names of Rs 5 meal and helped the contractors gain more money. This concludes that in the hurry to write something positive about Chandrababu he is doing horrible damage to him. Above that too many lies are being written unknowingly.
The nailing point is, the article says, "...the situation at the grass root level is not favorable to the ruling party....since the ruling party has power and money; the result proves favorable for them. The people those are benefitting from the schemes are favorable to the government..".
In one line he says nothing is favorable to the government. In the immediate line he says that the people are with him. These contradictory confusing statements are putting down the image of the news daily and the TDP as well.
This editor should understand that, at this juncture, if he really wishes to do something good to TDP then silence is better than writing nonsense in the guise of giving support.