Prime Minister Narendra Modi today announced a Rs 20 lakh crore economic package for what he called "Mission Self-Reliant India" to tide over the coronavirus crisis.
"This package is for migrants and farmers who work for the nation day and night, no matter the circumstances," the Prime Minister said, addressing the nation.
The special economic package would be the main component of "Atma-Nirbhar Bharat (self-reliant India)", he said.
"The package will focus on land, labour, liquidity and law; it will help small business, labourers, farmers," the PM said.
Speaking about the coronavirus pandemic, PM Modi said: "A virus has ravaged the world, we have never seen or heard a crisis like this."
The only way for India to triumph over the crisis was to "strengthen our resolve so that our resolve is even greater than this crisis."
He said India must realize its potential as the lead player in the 21st century by focusing on its self-reliance.
He listed what he called five pillars for self-reliance: "Economy with potential for quantum jump, infrastructure, technology-driven system, demography and an intelligence-driven supply system."