The AP government had launched distribution of pension to the beneficiaries at their door step. It was launched in January and the beneficiaries were happy to receive the pension at door step.
People took it lightly as the launching of any programme by the government would create hype to the advantage of the government, particularly the party in power.
But February too proved the same and 80 per cent of the beneficiaries of the scheme have received their pension at door step in the first two hours of the day, that too on Sunday.
The state government is using the village/ward volunteers to distribute the pension at the door step and the exercise, though going on experimental basis, will stay in the years to come if the government had the same commitment.
The initiative had ended the ordeal of the pensioners, particularly the aged and disabled, who were made to visit the nearest village panchayat office to receive their pensions in the first week of the month.
The pensioners, due to age and other problems, had tough time in reaching the officer at the panchayat office and were not sure whether their turn would come on the day or would have to come back the next day.
The disbursement officer comes with some limited money from his headquarters and distributes it to the beneficiaries.
The distribution is carried out for at least two to three days as the disbursement officer, obviously, prefers to carry limited amount of currency with him every time.
Besides reaching the office to receive pension every month, the beneficiaries have to stand there for hours together under the hot son or drizzling only to be told to come back the next day.
Drawing monthly pension thus had been laborious for most of the pensioners and they were at the mercy of the disbursing officer.
Now, things are slowly changing and the aged are getting due respect. They don’t have to walk anywhere and don’t have to wait anymore.
While the pension money is important for them at this hapless age, the hassle-free disbursement at door step is equally important for them.
The age is respected now and the respect earned thus would certainly be a blessing in disguise for the government.