A peculiar headline surfaced in today's print media, indicating that Pawan directed his Jana Sena leaders to prepare the Varahi vehicle.
This headline is reminding the scenes often portrayed in faction genre movies like 'Thiyandra Ballu'.
But why is Pawan instructing the Janasena leaders to prepare the Varahi vehicle? If he informs the driver, he will take the vehicle out. What can Jana Sena leaders do in this regard?
Are they expected to service the Varahi vehicle, change the engine oil, and refuel it with diesel? Why does Pawan need to address Janasena leaders to take the vehicle out from the garage?
If this is the case, Pawan's campaign will be limited to the seats contested by Jana Sena, and that is clear.
Furthermore, Pawan will spend 20 days in Pithapuram itself. That means half of the total available time dedicated to residing there, and the other half to campaigning in other constituencies, essentially spending each day in each constituency.
Overall, it appears clear now that Jana Sena is not only refraining from contesting in the entire state but will also minimize its campaign efforts. Instead, Jana Sena members in other areas are expected to support TDP.
Pawan may not physically participate, but his Janasainiks are still expected to engage in the electoral process to secure victory for TDP.
On the other hand, it is the TDP that would handle the responsibility of spreading the campaign news of Pawan Kalyan in their dailies.
On the whole, Pawan's Varahi campaign will be here and there around Pithapuram and some scattered constituencies from Uttarandhra to Rayalaseema.