YSR Congress party president and Andhra Pradesh chief minister Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy on Thursday regretted that the politics in Andhra Pradesh had come to a new low with so-called leaders hurling abuses and showing chappals before television sets.
Addressing a meeting in Vijayawada, Jagan said the so-called leaders are hurling abuses as they cannot speak about what good they have done to serve the state of Andhra Pradesh.
“Today, the people of AP do not trust them. What are they retorting to? They have hit a new low by hurling abusive language. Some people are coming on television sets and picking sandals up and using filthy words. It is sad to see such a state of affairs and call them leaders,” he said.
Without taking the name of Jana Sena Party president and actor Pawan Kalyan directly, the chief minister said the people were witnessing how the adopted son speaks the lines his adopted father had given him.
“We have never done injustice to the people of this state. While we are manifesting the 3 capitals for the betterment of the state, on the other hand, we are witnessing a man who is preaching on 3 marriages and moreover asking them to follow his lead on divorces,” he criticised.
The chief minister wondered what kind of an example Pawan Kalyan was setting up and justifying it on TV.
“What kind of an example is that man setting up, to the daughters, sisters, and women in our state? Is this how you set an example of a leader? Is this how you show the way for a better state?” he asked.