For the last few weeks, the Andhra Pradesh police have been targeting the TDP sympathisers and social media activists for posting any negative comments against the YSRCP government or leaders on the social media.
Now, it is the turn of the Jana Sena Party leaders to face the police cases for making comments on the ruling party and their leaders.
On Friday, the Guntur police arrested Sattenapalli constituency in-charge of Jana Sena Taviti Bhavannarayana for posting some objectionable comments on state cabinet ministers.
Apparently, the YSRC leaders lodged a complaint with the police stating that the postings of Bhavannarayana on the social media were derogatory and they had damaged the prestige of the government.
As a result, the police arrested Jana Sena leaders and produced him before a local court, which remanded him to judicial custody.
Naturally, Jana Sena Party leaders are fretting over the arrest of Bhavannarayana. They said it was nothing but witch-hunting the party leaders for questioning the government.
“The YSRC is not able to tolerate the attempts of Jana Sena to strengthen its base in Sattenapalli. So, their leaders are targeting us to demoralise our cadre,” a Jana Sena leader said.