At last, controversial retired IAS officer Nimmagadda Ramesh Kumar on Friday resumed his work as the Andhra Pradesh state election commissioner (SEC) in Vijayawada at 11.15 am on Monday.
In a brief address to the media later, Ramesh Kumar said he had actually taken charge as the SEC on Friday itself, when the state government issued orders to that effect.
“I formally resumed charge as the SEC on Friday itself at Hyderabad as per the Governor’s notification but entered the chambers today. I informed the same to all the district collectors and the other officials concerned through SEC secretary Vani Mohan,” he said.
Stating that the SEC is a constitutional body with autonomy, Ramesh Kumar said the commission would act impartially without any fear or favour.
“I am hopeful that the present state government would extend cooperation to the commission in discharging its duties, as was the case in the past,” he said.
One has to wait and see whether Ramesh Kumar would be allowed to continue as the SEC and how long.