Narendra Modi's speech today hinted at various aspects when read between the lines. Notably, he did not express any interest in praising Chandrababu Naidu during his address.
While he did mention both Chandrababu and Pawan Kalyan together in a general statement, acknowledging their work for the state over the past five years, the key takeaway was Modi's emphasis on electing the NDA Government to benefit from the "double engine."
Throughout his speech, Modi repeatedly stressed the importance of electing the NDA Government but did not touch upon Chandrababu's seniority, vision, experience, or the need for him to be the CM.
This implies a clear message: in the event of a BJP-TDP-Janasena alliance victory, it does not guarantee Chandrababu Naidu becoming the CM automatically.
In such a scenario, Modi may wield the decision-making power, potentially appointing Purandeshwari as the CM. The outcome of seats won or lost may not influence this decision, as Modi holds ultimate authority.
Vishnuvardhan Reddy, the BJP State Vice President of Andhra Pradesh, had previously mentioned that Purandeshwari would be the CM of AP.
This revelation may cause concern among TDP supporters, as it suggests that the BJP is prioritizing its own dominance over the entire state, with TDP taking a backseat in the alliance.