Telugu lyricist Anantha Sriram has become the latest target of social media activists affiliated with the YSR Congress in Andhra Pradesh.
These activists have initiated trolling against the lyricist due to his critical comments about the late Y.S. Rajasekhara Reddy and the ruling party.
Anantha Sriram is accused of operating a social media page called "Political Missile" that specifically targets the late Chief Minister, Dr. Rajasekhara Reddy.
One of the posts on the page reads: "Clean Dhoti, Unclean Mind, Mahanetha," referring to Dr. Rajasekhara Reddy.
Another objectionable post on the "Political Missile" page targets Dr. Rajasekhara Reddy, stating: "What a fake doctor YS is! He just used a stethoscope and diagnosed a hole in the heart."
Social media activists have identified lyricist Anantha Sriram as the source of this page and its content.
They are now pressuring Sriram to either confirm or deny his involvement in the writings.
However, even before the lyricist realizes that he is being targeted, the social media activists are extensively trolling him.
It remains to be seen whether Anantha Sriram will acknowledge the accusations and respond to the YSR Congress' social media campaign or deny any involvement.