Aesop's "The Tortoise and The Hare" is an age old fable that is popular across the world in almost all the languages. The Hare takes a nap midway through the race, assuming that the slow-paced Tortoise can no way beat him. Finally he wakes up after the tortoise reaches the winning line with his slow and steady pace.
Now this story seems to be the need of the hour for the legal division of Andhra Pradesh government.
First time ever, much to the shock of entire media and legal circles, a trivial drunken nuisance case from Vizag is handed over to CBI by the High Court. This shows how weak the personal legal cell of AP government is. The way the advocates handled the case seems to be so weak that made the court push it to CBI.
The government may ignore this now, looking at its 151 pack abs in mirror. But the way the government has been getting cornered by the High Court in different cases can potentially damage of image of the party among the voters. It will be like slow poison.
Same is the scenario with colors case in High Court. The government might have followed the direction of the Court. But ignoring the Court like it has been ignoring the opposition is not at all advisable to be in good books of the voters. The government has faced the unexpected blow from the High Court in the issue of IPS officer AB Venkateswara Rao.
Every triumph in the High Court depends on the efficiency of advocates. The advocates should be strong enough to argue and convince the court whatever be the GO the government brings into picture. It is needless to say that the present legal division of AP government must be either weak or sleeping considering these many blows from the Court.
Opposition keeps on throwing balls targeting the four legs of CM's seat. The advocates should emerge like the most efficient and proactive batsmen by hitting sixes. The Advocate General's captaincy should be sharp and more strategic.
SM Gopi Krishna, Guntur