After remaining tight-lipped over the arrest of Narasapuram Lok Sabha member Kanumuri Raghurama Krishnam Raju by the Andhra Pradesh Crime Investigation Department (CID) police on “sedition” charges, the YSR Congress party leaders came down heavily on Raju and the opposition parties defending him.
State minister for energy, forests and environment Balineni Srinivasa Reddy said there was nothing wrong in the CID booking a sedition case against Raghurama Raju and arresting him.
“This should have happened long ago. But our party president and chief minister Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy has given him a long rope. But Raju tested his patience and continued to make wild allegations against him and the state government, creating unrest among the people,” Balineni said.
Stating that Raju, who had been elected on YSRC ticket in 2019 elections, was behaving like a psycho, the minister said the MP should be ashamed of making wild allegations against the government.
“It is disgusting to talk about such a person, who came to this position only because of Jagan,” Balineni said.
Another minister Thaneti Vanitha described Raghurama Raju as a thankless fellow, who refused to acknowledge that he got elected as an MP with Jagan’s image.
“It is not correct on his part to conspire against the party and the government that gave him political life,” she said.
She alleged that Raju had neither culture nor attitude required for an elected public representative.
“Except making baseless allegations against the government based on the script given by the TDP leaders, he had done little for the people of his constituency in the last two years,” Vanitha said.
Another minister Ch Sriranganath Raju wondered why the opposition leaders were raising such a hue and cry over the arrest of Raghurama Krishnam Raju, who had thrown the problems of his constituency to winds and focussed on making meaningless allegations against the government.
“He has become a pest for West Godavari district which has otherwise remained peaceful. He chose to make personal allegations against the chief minister without following any decency and decorum in politics,” Raju said and all the party leaders and the people are defending the MP’s arrest.