The special court for Central Bureau of Investigation cases in Hyderabad on Monday heard the arguments over the petition filed by rebel YSR Congress party MP K Raghurama Krishnam Raju seeking cancellation of bail of party president and Andhra Pradesh chief minister Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy.
The court, which received the counter-affidavits of Jagan and the CBI last week, admitted the rejoinder filed by Raghurama Krishnam Raju to Jagan’s counter. The case was later deferred to July 1 for further hearing.
Filing the rejoinder, Raju’s advocate reminded that the court had admitted the petition on Jagan’s bail cancellation only after being convinced that it was eligible for hearing.
He said there were several officials who were witnesses and accused in Jagan’s quid pro quo case. Many of them were enjoying good positions in the Jagan government at present.
“This would mean Jagan can influence such officials directly or indirectly,” he said.
Raju argued that though it was chief secretary who would decide on the transfers and posting of IAS and IPS officials, a latest order gives all powers to the chief minister to take up these transfers.
“This clearly gives an opportunity to Jagan to influence the officials,” it said.
He said though he was a third party, as a citizen of India, he had every right to seek the cancellation of bail of Jagan, who was in the constitutional post despite facing 11 charge sheets in the CBI case.
He said the investigating officers should ensure that the witnesses were not influenced.