Andhra Pradesh high court on Friday dismissed the petition of rebel YSR Congress party MP K Raghurama Raju stating that the Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy government was bungling the state finances through indiscriminate borrowing and seeking the high court’s interference.
A division bench of the high court led by chief justice Prashant Kumar Mishra said it is better if it is left to the state government to manage its finances.
“I won’t like if any of my relatives or neighbours judge or decide my finances,” the chief justice said.
Raju filed a public interest litigation (PIL) petition on the legality of the latest amendments to the Excise Act, and its enablement to raise finances for organising the welfare schemes of the State.
He argued that the borrowings of the State were going beyond the constitutional limits and that the amendments to the Act are contrary to the initial provisions of the Act.
The High Court said that it is best left to the government to manage its finances. There are Supreme Court judgements which say they the issues of financial policy management are best left to the state and not for courts.
When the petitioner pointed out that he is an MP, the court observed that these are issues to be raised in legislature and parliament.
“Why bring it to court?” the court asked.
The petitioner counsel further argued that it is contesting to the constitutional provisions under article 293 of the constitution. The court said that these pleas do not arise in this context and there is CAG to supervise all these and not for courts
Then the petitioner requested that the court issue notice to the State and let AG file counter. The bench, however, declined his argument and there was no need for any notice.
Then the petitioner requested for interim order. While refusing the interim order against raising any loans by the corporation, the court observed that the petitioner is yet to make out a case for admission and arguments.
And therefore matters are adjourned for arguing on admission after the reopening the courts after summer vacation in June 3rd week.