Rebel YSR Congress party MP from Narasapuram Kanumuru Raghurama Krishnam Raju got a breather on Monday, when the Andhra Pradesh high court stayed further action against him in the case filed by Andhra Pradesh crime investigation department (CID) police against him under SC/AT Atrocities Prevention Act in January.
The high court issued interim orders barring the CID to take any action against Raju till further orders. So, at least for now, the rebel MP has avoided arrest and prosecution by the CID.
The CID filed the case at Chintalapudi police station in West Godavari district against Raju for allegedly abusing CID director general of police Sunil Kumar.
The MP’s lawyer Venkatesh brought to the notice of the court that the case was false, as Raju had not abused anybody, yet, the case was booked.
He argued that there were no evidences of Raju abusing the CID chief.
After hearing both the versions, the high court stayed further steps by the CID, including his arrest. The court asked the CID to issue notices to the complainant.
On January 13, when Raju landed in Hyderabad from Delhi to go to his Narasapuram to take part in Sankranti celebrations, the CID police came to his residenceand served him a notice asking him to appear before the CID on January 17 for questioning in the sedition case.
However, the Chintalapudi police had already registered another case against him under SC/ST Atrocities Prevention Act, following a complaint lodged by one Raju that the MP had abused CID chief Sunil Kumar by naming his caste.
After receiving notices, Raju told that he will appear before CID as a law abiding citizen. However, Raju moved the high court seeking to stall his arrest.
He wrote to Prime Minister Narendra Modi stating that YSRCP government is trying to kill him in CID custody and sought protection.