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Gorantla Butchaiah Chowdary - A New Rebel In TDP?

Gorantla Butchaiah Chowdary - A New Rebel In TDP?

It is known that already Vallabheneni Vamshi became popular as a rebel TDP MLA who never minces words while criticizing his Party supremo in front of the media cameras. 

Now the sources from East Godavari district say that Gorantla Butchaiah Chowdary is also deeply upset with the party and may show himself as a rebel shortly. 

The reason for this is that despite his active part on social media as a TDP leader, his party ignored him considering his age.

The biggest problem in TDP is that the party is thinking to encourage only the young leadership down the line. But Gorantla's son is a busy doctor.

So it is difficult to make him busy in full time politics.

Due to this reason Gorantla is expecting the continued encouragement in TDP only to him.

As far as the present feelers are concerned Gorantla has not yet taken any decision to jump out from TDP to join some other party.

He is planning to take active position in the party by expressing his disappointment to the Party head. But will TDP oblige? Or will YCP lift this advantage to its benefit?

We have to wait and see.


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