Following the arrest of TDP politician Pattabhi for his vulgar remarks against CM Jagan, Pattabhi’s wife spoke to the media.
Expressing anger at the way in which the police allegedly barged into their residence and took him away without serving a warrant, Pattabhi’s wife made an interesting comment.
“They cannot scare us as we have the support of the media.”
All along, it has been an open secret that the majority of the media in Andhra Pradesh belonged exclusively to the yellow community and that they are primarily responsible for acting as stooges of the TDP government.
So when Pattabhi’s wife says that they have the support of the media, it is a vindication of this fact. Otherwise, why will the media support Pattabhi? Surely, it does not endorse the kind of language used against the Chief Minister?
Thus, in a moment of crisis, Pattabhi’s wife has inadvertently revealed the nexus between TDP and the media.