Divyavani walked out from TDP and called for a press meet. She addressed the media unleashing her inner feelings.
At the conclusion of the press meet she said- "I heard media people give good coverage if they are paid. But you all have given wide coverage to me though I paid nothing. I am not in a position to give anything. We will meet in a good situation down the line. I can give you a friendly dinner as your sister".
When a journalist wanted to give some clarification, Divya Vani said that she simply shared whatever she heard all these days.
Here Divyavani should know one thing. The media management was started by Chandrababu Naidu in AP Politics.
Before 1995 there used to be tea and biscuits for journalists. On a very rare occasion, sometimes lunch used to be arranged. Small gifts used to be distributed during business press meets.
But in 1995, Chandrababu used the media so openly by luring them with packages and suitcases. The media at that time gave an artificial hype stating that there was huge backup for Chandrababu and successfully drove MLAs to Viceroy hotel at that time to dethrone NTR. The real media management started only from then.
So, without knowing all this, a hard working female is unfit to work with Chandrababu. It's Divyavani's innocence to impress Chandrababu with her straightforwardness and firm desire to do social service.
Chandrababu is known for many 'use-and-throws'. Now Divyavani is the new victim.