Within a day of the Andhra Pradesh high court granting bail to senior IPS officer and former Crime Investigation Department chief N Sanjay, the Chandrababu Naidu government extended his suspension in connection with the alleged misappropriation of funds during his tenure as director general of fire services.
Sanjay had faced allegations of violating All India Service Rules while serving as the CID chief in the past, apart from the alleged misuse of Rs 1.75 crore during his tenure as the Director General (DG) of the Fire Services Department under the YSRCP government,
In response, the government had appointed an inquiry committee to investigate the matter. Based on the committee's report, an order suspending him was issued on December 3.
Subsequently, Sanjay moved the high court last month seeking anticipatory bail, to pre-empt his arrest. The high court reviewed his bail petition before granting him anticipatory bail on Thursday.
However, within 24 hours of the judgment, the government extended his suspension until May 31, adding another four months to his disciplinary action. The official order stated that the decision was part of disciplinary measures.
This means that Sanjay will remain suspended until May 31. During the previous administration, he played a crucial role in investigating chit fund companies, including Margadarsi, besides the high-profile case of the alleged irregularities in the AP Skill Development Corporation scam involving TDP chief Chandrababu Naidu, who was in jail for 53 days.