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Covid-19: Open Letter To The Telangana Government

Covid-19: Open Letter To The Telangana Government

Sometimes numbers can deceive us. If we have a look at the wrong parameter, it is obvious that we will not have an exact picture. The number of positive cases in Telangana are less than the neighboring Telugu state Andhra Pradesh.

Anybody who looks at it without going into the details will jump into the conclusion that the situation of Andhra Pradesh is precarious. But it is not the case. The situation is actually the reverse. 

Telangana Joint Action Committee has come up with a request to increase the number of Covid-19 tests in the state. Let's have a look at the points they have raised to understand the scenario in an Open Letter:

"To The Telangana Government-
* When it comes to the cases, AP has crossed Telangana. The number of cases in Telangana by 25-04-2020 is 990 whereas the number of cases in AP is 1,016. By having a glance at these figures, common people will think that the situation is under control in Telangana and AP situation is not good. What is the truth in these assumptions?

* In fact, the number of cases depends on the the tests conducted by the state. If the state conducts more tests, there is a chance of discovering more positive cases. If less number of tests are done, less number of positive cases will be unearthed.  If we really want to know the intensity of the virus spread, the infection rate is the correct parameter rather than the number of cases. The percentage of positive cases among the total tests done is called as the 'Infection Rate.' 

* Let us have a look at the situation of Telangana and AP. The number of cases are less in Telangana but the infection rate is 5.35%. When it comes to AP, it is just 1.66%. This gives a clear picture that the infection rate of Telangana is 3.2 times more than AP. The reason is the number of tests done in AP is 61,266 and the number in Telangana is just 18,514.  On the surface level, it appears that the number of cases are less in Telangana. But the infection rate in Telangana is number 3 in the whole country. 

* There are three main reasons for the less number of cases in Telangana:

1. Less number of tests done till now.
2. The persons died in hospitals are not considered under corona deaths category.
3. Government passed orders not to conduct tests for secondary contacts of positive cases.

* The reason why TJAC is bringing up this issue with numerous examples is.. we have the only way to control corona i.e. by increasing the number of tests. If we adopt an opposite method, we cannot control corona. All the news dailies in the country, TV channels are analysing the situation based on the number of cases and misleading the people. Everybody should remember that if the tests are stopped, there will be zero cases.

* We appeal to the Telangana government to increase the number of tests in the state.

- Telangana Joint Action Committee".

If we really try to understand the points raised by TJAC, it becomes pretty clear that the situation in Telangana is more dangerous than in AP. Telangana government should increase the number of tests and it is the need of the hour.


Tags: Telangana COVID-19